Hmmmm - this turned PVC pipe / LiteStik (#3" and "D" in the photo at the top of this page) combination could be interesting. Let's make a Magic Wand, or better yet, a Magic Sceptor.

But - with the clear pastic case, the LiteStik won't fit inside the PVC pipe. So pry the case apart, save the top half - with the switch and battery holder, - cut off the top part since it's not needed and do a little sanding to make it fit.. OOPS - the turned PVC part is a bit short. No problem, turn a wood "coupling" to join it to another piece of PVC pipe - with a hole in it to get the the LiteStik On/Off button. Turn an external ON/OFF "button" to press down on the LiteStik On/Off switch below it and the mechanicals are done. Turn a top and handle for the ends - try a little gold foiling just for fun and now all that's needed is a way to get to the ON/OFF button inside. A small hole, a notch, some more turning and we've got THIS.

Note that to change the batteries, the LiteStik must be removable to gain access to the batteries. So, while the "coupling" is glued to the top piece of PVC pipe, the bottom section of the Sceptor is not. The coupling was made deeper on the removable side to create a tight, but still Take Apartable, fit.

Put everything together and you've got this (sorry about the crook in the photos - didn't seat the bottom part in the coupling).

OK - so the Sceptor is kind of hokey, and I got carried away with turning details, and the gold leafing is kind of over the top - BUT - the concept of internally lighting a translucent piece is demonstrated in an actual piece.

This internal lighting thing has lots of possibilities!

Wonder what would happen if I took a heat gun to the PVC pipe and heated it just enough to make some of it soft enough to be able to mold it a bit - or put a twist in it?

<------ back to the inspiration for this new avenue to explore - the seed word "holes"

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